GHG619 distributiepanelen
Onze Explosieveilige distributiepanelen worden op maakt gemaakt , waardoor wij zowel de standaard als maatwerk panelen voor u kunnen maken.
De GHG 619-Distributiepanelen van Crouse-Hinds-serie zijn ontworpen voor stroom-, verlichtings- en verwarmingscircuits in explosie gevaarlijke en zware industriële gebieden, zoals offshore olieplatforms, chemische fabrieken en petrochemische fabrieken.
Certifications and compliances
Design features
- Internationally approved for reliable use in applications around the world
- Modular slip-on assembly (fiberglass-reinforced polyester model)
- Combinable for larger distributions
- Actuating flaps for easy operation
- High IP66 protection
- Snap-on components simplify field installation and replacement
Fiberglass-reinforced polyester models – MCB distribution for lighting circuits, heating circuits, socket distribution:
- Marking accd. to 94/9/EC: Ex II 2 G Ex de ia/ib m [ia/ib] IIC T6/T5/T4; Ex II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66/IP65 T80°C, T95°C
- EC-Type Examination Certificate: BVS22ATEXE006
- Permissible ambient temperature: -20°C up to +40°C; -55°C up to +55°C (optional)
- IECEx Certificate of Conformity: IECEx BVS22.0008
- Marking accd. to IECEx: Ex de ia/ib m [ia/ib] T4 … T6; Ex tD A21 IP66 T80°C
- Protection class: I
- Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529: IP66
Fiberglass-reinforced polyester models – complete motor starter distribution:
- Marking accd. to 94/9/EC: Ex II 2 G Ex de ia/ib m [ia/ib] IIC T4 … T6; Ex II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP66/IP65 T80°C/T95°C
- EC-Type Examination Certificate: BVS22ATEXE006
- Permissible ambient temperature: -20°C up to +40°C; -55°C up to +55°C (optional)
- IECEx Certificate of Conformity: IECEx BVS22.0008
- Marking accd. to IECEx: Ex de ia/ib m [ia/ib] T4 … T6; Ex tD A21 IP66 T80°C
- Protection class: I
- Degree of protection accd. to EN 60529: IP66